Friday, October 1, 2010

uncle Ossi

Hello Kids and grandkids.Anni called and said Ossi was coming home.There is no hope for him to get better.He cant even sit up by himself.He got a special bett in the dinning room set up and help should come in ever so often to help him.Please keep him in your prayers also his family.Put his name in the temple please.We have it done here.They dont have anymore e mail.So we have to go with Susanne and Claus.We love you all.Oma and Opa


Chelle and Aaron said...

I am so sorry to hear that he isn't doing any better. We will keep him in our prayers.

Silvia u. Claus said...

Thank you family in the USA for all.
Claus, Silvia, Oma Anni and family