Thursday, September 1, 2011

Omas News

Hello to all our Children, Grand children and GREAT GRAND CHILDREN Well here I go again after i just lost my message.Finally got back on the blog after month of trying, For some reason I push the wrong button and all my news is gone..Oh well here I try again and see what I can do.
Family thank you for all the pictures you send from your children.I get to see them grow up.Time goes by to fast.You are all over the USA and keep on moving.Just to let you know that Opa and Oma love all of you and wish you well.
Opa and I got to hold Lindsays Ainsley.What a great feeling it was.She is just 2 weeks old.Lindsay is doing better .She had problems with the C section infection.But doin great now.Jarred was able to take 3 weeks of to be with her.He handles the baby like a pro feeding and changing.
Michelle we like to see more of little William and your little Miss.
Take care and stay cool.
Love from HOT MESA

1 comment:

Taylor said...

we love you Oma and Opa! We can't wait to see you.